Invoice & Receipt template is really simple. 100% editable Invoice & Receipt template in MS Excel.
This template for employers and small businesses. Used by companies to bill customers/clients for products and services or delivery.
– For both professionals and excel beginners.
– Professional and simple to use.
– Format size A4
– Add your logo and get to work.
This invoice & Receipt template will auto-calculate under the Line total column by multiplying quantity by the price to give you a subtotal per item. Also, there is a totals area that sums up all your item subtotals as well as adds in the tax rate of your choosing. The added tax will be reflected in the final totals number at the bottom and change the number to word.
This template create a macro in Excel for easy to use.
When working with macros in Excel , you save and open workbooks in a new macro-enabled workbook format (.xlsm) that provides added security. When you create a macro, you must use a macro-enabled format to save your workbook or the macro won’t be saved.
If you open a macro-enabled workbook, a Security Warning message states that the workbook contains macros. This protects you from possible harm — some macros might contain viruses or other hazards. You can choose to enable the content if the workbook is from a trusted source.
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