by Digi1s in Printable Illustrations

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  • This is a secure SSL encrypted payment. HONEYWINE FLORAL CLIP ART

Honeywine Floral Clip Art Collection is a sumptuous set of flower graphics that are crisp, fresh, moody, and intoxicating. Roses, ranunculus, dahlias, snapdragons, and begonias in burgundy, orange, white, and pink are combined in stunning background graphics, bouquets, and are available individually. Perfect for greeting cards, wedding invitations, product packaging, and more.

Digital Floriography | Intoxicating market blossoms and blooms, frozen in time at the height of opulence and digitally preserved for use in your projects.

Floriography is the language of flowers whereas meanings are applied to different colors and types of flowers.

rose { love }, begonia { harmony }, dahlia { commitment }, ranunculus { charm }, snapdragon { grace }

What’s Included

5 Frame/Card Templates ( 5″ x 7″ ) | PNG Format | 4500 x 6300 px
20 Floral Backgrounds | PNG Format | 4500 x 6300 px
4 Horizontal Seamless Floral Borders | PNG Format | 6000 px wide
17 Premade Floral Bouquets | PNG Format | 3500 – 4800 px
50 Individual Flower Graphics | PNG Format | 1500 – 2700 px
17 Individual Leaf Graphics | PNG Format | 1500 – 3000 px
2 Floral Seamless Floral Patterns | PAT & PNG Format | 6000 x 4000 px
18 Texture Backgrounds | JPG Format | 4500 x 6300 px

Canva Users Please Note:

While many of these files will open just fine in Canva, some of the files do exceed the 25 MB limit for uploads there. You will still be able to use them, but will need to resize them smaller before uploading if you plan on using that design program.

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