This is a comprehensive set of watercolour images to tell the Easter story. Perfect to create your own books, picture, games and slideshows to teach students about the Easter story.
The handpainted watercolour images included in this set are: sun, sunset, grass, candle, crosses, angel in blue, Pontius Pilate, flowers in different colours, church and deciple, lambs, palm leaf, praying Mary Magdalene (three differen versions, one is standing, one is kneeling, and one is sitting) ,Jesus, disciple, donkies, bag for coins, silver coins, tomb and stone, peace doves (white and blue), word art sign (“Happy Easter” and “He is risen”), grain, sheep head, bread, leaves, clouds).
Keywords: clipart, art, clip art, clipart for teachers, graphics, graphic arts, digital illustration, Easter, Bible story, Sunday school, R.E. Religious Education, Garden of Gethsemane, Disciples, Apostles, Jesus, The Cross, religious art, wall art
::::::::::::::: Extra Note :::::::::::::::
EdukidsArt aims to provide affordable, unique as well as visually appealing watercolour clipart for all occasions. A lot of EdukidsArt clipart is designed to be educational and above all appealing to children. Due to the calming, peacful and nostalgic nature of the artwork, Edukidsart clipart is also perfect for teachers of students with special needs.
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