Kids Book Mockup - Digi1s

Kids Book Mockup

by digi1s in Product Mockups


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This kids book mockup is an image with a white cover book on a table, with some school objects.
Back to school is an exciting time of year for students, parents, and teachers alike. It marks the end of summer vacation and the start of a new academic year, full of possibilities and opportunities. For students, it means getting back into the routine of waking up early, attending classes, and completing homework assignments. For parents, it means preparing their children for the school year ahead, buying new school supplies, and perhaps even adjusting their own schedules to accommodate their children’s needs. And for teachers, it means planning lessons, setting expectations, and getting to know a new group of students. Overall, the back to school season is a time of anticipation and excitement, as everyone prepares for the challenges and opportunities that the new school year will bring.
You can use this image simply adding your graphics or text on the top of the white cover. This mockup is perfect for the back to school, but also in other periods of the year.
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